Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Meet The Parent/Teacher Session

Today was the scheduled session for Celest and hubby met up with Celest's teachers at the childcare centre. The purpose was to update us on the progress of the kids for the past few months etc. The teacher told us that Celest was generally very well-behaved in school, with not much crying spells, tantrum etc. She's even sort of a discipline mistress. Eg: When Alden was sent to the 'thinking chair' and he left the chair without permission, Celest would tell the teachers about it. She would also tell Alden to remain seated on the chair. Celest is quite well-liked by the teachers in the school. Haha. I was thinking that they seldom see her 'bad' side man. But the teachers do noticed that she wasn't as bubbly and happy since the birth of Carine. Think I must pay more attention to her liao and hopefully Celest will be back to her usual self sooooon.

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