Nice pics..Hehe
I am getting lazy to update on Celest's progress. Can't imagine when baby #2 is out! Double info to input! In the morning, we visited the famous "Jacob Ballas Garden". Maybe I was sol hyped up over the visit that it turned out to be a disappointment for me due to the way it was. There's nothing much to do over there except blazing sun.. Haiz...
Celest is doing quite well and has settled nicely in the centre except for the 'often' bout of running nose and cough. Guess it's beyond me except to pray hard and boost her immune system. Now she will leave home after bidding 'goodbye' to me at the door before leaving obediently with daddy (somtimes will still need a sweet to keep her happy).
In the beginning, I was the one who fetched her back during evening time. When daddy took over the evening shift, she wasn't quite used to it and threw a few tantrums. There was one day when I had to go there as undercover and followed hubby throughout the whole process. This is to allow me to help if Celest threw her tamper again. Now, its better hopefully(Keeping my fingers cross).
Since she started attending cc, you can see a difference in her social skills. She became more sociable and would hum tunes in chinese/english etc, although her pronounciation ain't that clear yet. These few days, she would insist on wearing her shorts/pants/ shoes on her own although she wasn't that good in wearing her bottoms yet.
I can see that her teachers were quite good to her and Celest get along very well with them. Hopefully, they won't be leaving so soon.
Most of the time, she would complied and sat inside the carseat. If she doesn't sit in, we won't start the car and remained at the carpark till she complied. But during the journey, sometimes she would wriggle her hands out of the strap and I had to 'remind' her again.
In the beginning, she would pulled and tugged at the straps till her neck were red with abrasion. Hopefully by the time we move her to the front passenger seat, she will be able to take instructions & rules better.
Actually, the material for the cover is very thin with almost no cushioning. Abit regret in buying as hubby just wanted to get the cheapest available to abide the law. Can't imagine sitting in a hard seat for a very long journey. Haiz. Think her back/buttock are numbed after a long ride.
I placed some CDs, containing Celest's favourite songs, in the car to keep her occupied. So, whenever she get onboard, she will request for music persistently till daddy accede to her request. She would then sing along with the music loudly. Oh my, she really really has a loud thunderous voice. not to mention high pitch.
I have to remind her to lower her volume each time as I am scared that she will frighten her meimei. Some songs, she will like to sing and drag at the end of the words. Some of her favourite are "the incy winsy spider", "old macdonald", "home on the range", "twinkle twinkle little star", "head shoulder knees & toes", "row row your boat" etc & many more. Think I will change to her chinese cd soon. Hehe.
Potty Training
The cc just started to put her on toilet training last week. Her teacher feedbacked that she is quite ok with it. Mostly if she said 'yes', she will have urine. I tried a few days at home but haha not the same result. Think it could be due to the peer pressure as the whole class will usually go toilet together. I was pretty tired then each time rushing her to the toilet and yet she did not pee or pee later in her shorts.
Today, I tried to give her incentives- stickers. For every successful pee, i will give her one sticker. She managed to collect two before it was time for her nap and i put on her diapers again. The 2nd time was actually very little, hmm maybe she just wanted to get one sticker from me. The 1st time she pee into the toilet bowl, I was very happy. After the 2x, the rest were abit of false alarm. :( Really, i think we need to stay home for a few days in a row so as to successfully train her. I asked her if she wanted to use the potty but she said no and say toilet. Now hubby complained that we have wasted money on the potty. Hmph!
Self- feeding
Nowadays, she will feed herself. So far so good. There will still be some rice dropping on the floor, clothes etc but still acceptable to me. I have yet to let her try eating noodles on her own though. :) Can see her satisfied face whenever she managed to put each spoonful of rice correctly inside her mouth.
Breakfast @ Swenson...