Thursday, 30 October 2008

Carine's 2 Month Old Now...

Carine's going to be 2 month old tomorrow. I wonder how much weight she has gained now. Weeks ago, her eyes are able to follow us & now she is showing expressions. Her eyes will be big & seems to be like talking to you. I still have not been able to capture a picture of her smiling. She did her first poo! on me inside the bathtub a few days ago man. Old memories came flooding back during Celest's time. I had to scramble to take her out of the water, clean her up, change the water etc..wishing that i had another pair of hands to help.

Her 6th week growth spurt seems to be over. Her body clock seems to have adjusted back & able to sleep through now. (Crossing my fingers) It was terrible back then when during the night she kept crying & didn't want to sleep & wanted to be carried. The moment you put her down on the bed, she will wake up & cry. She's currently drinking 140ml of ebm & hopefully i can continue to breastfeed her till at least 1year old.

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