Thursday, 8 November 2007

Getting Well...

After much rest, Celest was getting better now and of course, so does her temper. Heehee. Her running nose has stopped and she could drink up to 200ml of milk. But it will take sometime before she revert to her usual milk intake of 260 ml. I am abit worried with her 'big' tummy as I still find it quite big and I felt hardness when I pressed on it... Hmm, could it be wind or more than meets the eye? Wonder if baby "Tui-Na" will help...

Well, Celest is teething again and this time, her lower gums are red and swollen, with whitish tips can be seen. It is her molar tooth but can see that her canines coming out too. Maybe all these are causing her to be temperamental. I brought her to visit granny yesterday and we stopped by at NTUC supermarket at Bedok. Celest saw some plastic balls which looked similar to what we have at home. She kept pointing at the balls, telling me to buy for her. But I could not understand a word coming out from her mouth... Sad... Nevertheless, she can now point to things that she want to see and the directions where she want to go.

When the house phone rang, Celest would help to answer the phone when I asked her to, depending on her mood. So, if you do not hear any sound initially, do not hang up as she need time to bring the phone to me or daddy. Time really flies and she is turning 18 mth soon on 26 Nov 2007. It is something of a milestone - of age to enter to childcare. We are still thinking on her future and her younger sibling when he/she comes. Maid? Childcare? Work? Headache now....

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